Dr. Kathleen Fuller has a PhD in Anthropology from the University of Kansas. Dr. Fuller is a Specialist on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Issues.
Dr. Fuller’s Origin Story:
Map of Moves
I’ve lived in 9 states and 15 different towns and cities from a tiny town in Iowa to Los Angeles. All these moves have made me very adaptable and open to new experiences.
Tallahassee Civil Rights March: 1971.
I marched for workers’ rights with my dad (who was a member of the SCLC) and sister through Tallahassee to the State Capitol. I was 17.
Anguilla, BWI 12/74-1/75
I lived for one month on Anguilla with my in-laws. This was decades before Anguilla became a tourist hot-spot.
Grubgraben, Austria, July 1990.
I spent 4 weeks working as an archaeologist on the Grubgraben paleolithic site in Austria, dating to 20,000 ya. This photo was taken near the site.
Near Krakow, Poland, August 1990
After leaving Austria, I spent 3 weeks in Krakow, Poland working on paleolithic collections at Jagiellonian University and at a neolithic archaeological site. Poland had just freed itself from the Soviet Union. Exciting times!
Tonto Natural Bridge, Arizona 2005
I lived in Arizona for 6 years. In this photo, I am with my son and grand-daughter.