Dr. Fuller’s research has been cited by others in scientific articles, books, and a wide variety of on-line publications.
Scientific Articles and Books
K.E. Fuller 2010
Vitamin D and Health Disparities
Comment on Vitamin D, Race, and Cardiovascular Mortality: Findings From a National US Sample. Annals of Family Medicine 8: 11-18.
K.E. Fuller 2004
Comment on Effects of parathyroid hormone and alendronate alone or in combination in osteoporosis. New England Journal of Medicine 350(2): 189-92; author reply 189-92.
K.E. Fuller 2003
Health Disparities: Reframing the Problem. Medical Science Monitor 9 (3): SR9-15.
K. Fuller 2002
Eradicating Essentialism from Cultural Competency Education. Academic Medicine 77 (3): 198-201.
V. Kennedy, S.J.S. Crandall, A.V. Blue, K. Fuller 2001
How to Train Culturally Competent Physicians: Pilot-testing a Curriculum at Three Schools.
K. Fuller 2001
Hookworm: A Response to Faulkner et al. and Reinhard et al. Medical Anthropology 15 (3): 101-104.
K. Fuller & J.M. Casparian 2001
Vitamin D: Balancing Cutaneous and Systemic Considerations. Southern Medical Journal 94 (1): 58-66.
K. Fuller 2000
Low-Birth-Weight Infants: The Continuing Ethnic Disparity and the Interaction of Biology and Environment. Ethnicity and Disease 10: 432-445.
K. Fuller 2000
Lactose, Rickets, and the Coevolution of Genes and Culture. Human Ecology 28: 471-477.
K. Fuller 1998
The African-American Fertility Decline: 1880-1940: UVB Radiation Deprivation as a Contributory Factor. Dissertation. University of Kansas.
K. Fuller 1998
Adult Females and Pubic Bone Growth. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 106:323-328.
K. Fuller 1997
Hookworm: Not a Pre-Columbian Pathogen. Medical Anthropology 17:297-308.
K. Fuller 1996
An analysis of the probability of multiple taxa in a combined sample of Swartkrans and Kromdraai dental material. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 101:429-439.
K. Fuller 1993
Y. Rak the Boat: A critique on pelvic morphology. University of Kansas, Department of Anthropology Working Papers; pp. 37-44.
Scientific Abstracts
K. Fuller March 2001
The Effect of the Essentialist Paradigm on Health Care. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supl. 32: 66-67.
K. Fuller April 2000
The Effect of Maternal UVB Radiation Deprivation on Pregnancy and Parturition. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supl 30: 153.
K. Fuller April 1999
Passive vs. Active/Proactive Diversity in the Curriculum. Crossing Cultures: Communicating Through the Curriculum. Diversity in Teaching and Learning in American Higher Education.
K. Fuller April 1998
Diversity, Not Divisiveness. Central States Anthropological Society: 75th Anniversary Meeting Program and Abstracts: 47.
K. Fuller April 1997
Pelvic Differences Between African-American and European-American Females and the Link to Rickets. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supl. 24: 114.
K. Fuller April 1996
Adult Females and Pubic Bone Growth. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supl. 22: 107-108.
K. Fuller March 1995
Pelvic Flattening and Rickets. American Journal of Anthropology Supl. 20:94.
K. Fuller April 1992
The Improbability of Multiple Australopithecine Taxa at Swartkrans and Kromdraai. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supl. 14:78.
Scientific Presentations
K. Fuller September 2003
Has the Sun Set on Optimal Health? CME presentation to South Florida Dermatologists, West Palm Beach, FL.
K. Fuller March 2001
Co-chair of symposium: Populational Thinking: Dead or Alive? American Association of Physical Anthropologists Conference, Kansas City, MO.
K. Fuller March 2001
The Effect of the Essentialist Paradigm on Health Care. American Association of Physical Anthropologists Conference, Kansas City, MO.
K. Fuller October 2000
Case Studies in Diversity and Service Learning: The Nicodemus Project and HPPI: K-12. American Association of Colleges and Universities Conference on Diversity and Learning, Pittsburgh, PA.
K. Fuller April 2000
The Effect of Maternal UVB Radiation Deprivation on Pregnancy and Parturition. American Association of Physical Anthropologists Conference, San Antonio, TX.
K. Fuller April 2000
Human Physical Diversity and Personal Identity. Texas Christian University Conference on Inclusiveness, Fort Worth, TX.
K. Fuller April 1999
Passive vs. Active/Proactive Diversity in the Curriculum. Diversity in Teaching and Learning in American Higher Education. San Diego, CA.
K. Fuller April 1998
Diversity, Not Divisiveness. Central States Anthropological Society. Kansas City, MO.
K. Fuller April 1997
Pelvic Differences Between African-American and European-American Females and the Link to Rickets. American Association of Physical Anthropologists. St. Louis, MO.
K. Fuller April 1996
Adult Females and Pubic Bone Growth. American Association of Physical Anthropologists. Research Triangle Park, NC.
K. Fuller March 1995
Pelvic Flattening and Rickets. American Association of Physical Anthropologists. Oakland, CA.
K. Fuller April 1992
The Improbability of Multiple Australopithecine Taxa at Swartkrans and Kromdraai. American Association of Physical Anthropologists. Milwaukee, WI.